In the interest of clarity of image and development of the company, Kickass Music became Tune Music
Note: Kickass Music is the equivalent of Spotify or Deezer in free version
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It is to be lost a little! When you search for "Kickass Music" on Google, no results lead directly to the site. And for good reason the internet address that corresponded to this name no longer exists. Just like the name Kickass Music.
We must now say Tune Music. Try in Google and you will find that you will find more easily what you are looking for. The new address is
It is in order to heal the image of the music platform, and not to slow down the growth of the company, that the name has been redesigned.
The site and smartphone application remain unchanged, only the name has been changed.
The name change was made around August 21, 2018. Indeed it is this day that we find on the Facebook page of the site a post with the new name. A few days later a message confirms the name change.
If you translate the old and the new names roughly, you go from the music of thunder, the music that tears at set / tune music