Make money at home with Appen

Make money at home it is possible with Appen. This platform offers well-paid assignments with flexible hours. I tested it for a few months, here is my opinion.

Before giving you my opinion and my feedback, I will present the platform and what it offers so that you better understand what it is.

Discover Appen

Appen was created in 1996 by Julie Vonwiller and its head office is located in Australia. This publicly traded company aims to provide high quality digital data to companies that need it. To succeed it collaborates with more than a million freelancers worldwide.

More specifically, Appen offers missions which consist in producing or analyzing data with the aim of developing and perfecting machine learning or artificial intelligence systems.

It looks complicated said like that but in reality it is very simple and the system is well done.

Here are some types of missions that can be found on Appen

  • Analyze search engine results to help improve relevance
  • Record voice commands to help develop voice recognition for a connected speaker
  • Translate a platform

These jobs are flexible depending on your availability. For small projects, the number of hours to work per week can vary from 4h to 12h. For larger projects, the number of hours can range from 8 to 40 hours.

[wps_accordion style= »standard »][wps_accordion_item title=’Traduction de la vidéo’ open=’no’ icon=’caret’ ]- Vous êtes motivé et vous cherchez un emploi qui vous permette de concilier vie professionnelle et vie privée ?
- At Appen, we create jobs as unique as you and we offer you the flexibility to work when and where you want.
- Whether you want to spend more time with your family, manage a business or obtain a diploma, our flexible and remote projects offer you the possibility of working on your own terms.
- Appen offers a different way of working and, for 20 years, we have established partnerships with technology companies working in more than 130 countries and in more than 180 languages.
- If you are wondering how it works, it's simple: you apply online and our team is looking for projects that match your skills.
- This can be a collaboration with social media platforms or search engines. The work is interesting and flexible remote hours allow you to create the life you want. Our freelancers travel the world and set their own pace of work and life.
– Rejoignez la communauté et postulez dès aujourd’hui ![/wps_accordion_item][/wps_accordion]

My experience

I discovered Appen in October last year. So it's been 6 months since I tested the platform.

My file was validated about a week after my registration. The first projects available were in English. Then quickly projects in French arrived. New missions are added regularly.

In one of the first projects I worked on, I had to record voice commands. These voice samples were used to develop the voice recognition system of a connected speaker.
On another project, the mission was to search for the most relevant sites for a given search term. On another, I had to assess the relevance of the results of an online mapping service.

These missions took me around 10 hours / week. I found it rather interesting and easy to achieve.

I also tried to participate in larger missions, but for some I was not accepted and for others my application is still pending.

Good points

  • there are a lot of missions and news is frequently added
  • schedules are flexible
  • the remuneration is correct: around € 10.50 net per hour, this can vary from one project to another

Negative points

  • some projects take time to start providing work
  • depending on the days and the progress of the projects, there is not always work available
  • there are not many missions for francophones, but I have the impression that they add more and more

The necessary equipment

To work with Appen, you don't need a lot of equipment. Most of us already have what it takes 😉

  • A computer
  • An Internet connection
  • Google Chrome browser (recommended for Appen to work properly)

In some specific missions, you may be asked to work on a particular operating system or type of device. In other cases, it may be asked to register on a social network, if the mission aims to improve it.

How to register

The procedure for working with Appen:

  1. See you on the Appen registration page and select your language.
  2. On the second page, you are asked for further information on the languages you speak. You must indicate your primary language and the country in which you learned it. You can also add other languages by indicating the level of knowledge that you have written and spoken. To finish, you must check the last box if you are a translator or if you have a few years of experience in this field. This information will allow Appen to suggest relevant missions that match your skills.
  3. On the last page, you are asked for legal information about yourself in order to complete your administrative file. You will be asked for your name, address, CV and education level, as well as your level of experience in translation, transcription, proofreading and evaluation of search engines.

When your account has been validated by Appen, you will be able to access the available missions and register for projects. For some projects, it is necessary to take a test and / or give additional information on your skills and / or the equipment you have. When you are accepted into a project, you will receive instructions by email.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have other questions, ask me in the comments, I will be happy to answer you 😉

  • Do you need a special status to work at Appen?

    To use Appen, you must either be self-employed (now called micro-entrepreneur) or either be a business.

  • How to report Appen income?

    If you are a micro-entrepreneur, you just have to declare your income on the Urssaf website during the monthly or quarterly declaration. You will then return approximately 25% of your income to the state.

  • What is the average salary?

    Most missions are offered with an hourly rate of $ 16 per hour. Which makes about 14.50 euros an hour after conversion, then about € 10.50 net per hour after having declared and paid the contributions to Urssaf.
    You will also find missions paid by the task, in this case the remuneration is very variable, it depends on the projects.

About the Author

Picture of Romain Royer
Romain Royer
I'm very interested in technology, music, environmental issues, and various other subjects. By developing the Current Trends media, my goal is to share with you my knowledge, my discoveries and my tips on the various subjects that fascinate me. Leave me comments, they help me improve and are always appreciated.

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4 years ago

Hello, I just signed up I can't wait to get an answer

4 years ago

Hello for the interview, is it in French or in English?

4 years ago

How to get a level 3 badge

4 years ago

Hello Romain,

I'm wondering about the employment contract, can we start and stop when we want, if we don't go after the hours, what's going on?

4 years ago

I am registered since yesterday but I do not see any task is available until then. how can I do

Last edited 4 years ago by Hubert
4 years ago

Hello, I have registered several times on Appen and each time I get an error message: the confirmation of the password is not correct. I had to start over five times and this message always comes back.
Does this mean that I am not eligible? I never managed to open an account.

4 years ago

Hello, I would love to work in this field as a self-employed entrepreneur but every time I log in then I have received nothing as a mission.
I come from Madagascar and I do not know if it is because of this that I was not able to receive missions.
What should I do please?

4 years ago

Hello, how do I prepare my CV to apply for appen if I don't have a profession yet.

Messanga ARMEL
Messanga ARMEL
4 years ago

Bonjour he suis deja inscris sur la platforme et j’ai même déjà reçu des tâches mais je ne sais pas comment commencer

4 years ago

moi j’ai déjà un compte sur appen, mais je ne vois pas comment travailler avec , comment procéder pour travailler chez appen?

Coulibaly yaya
Coulibaly yaya
4 years ago

Hi, how are you doing? Being in Burkina, I can do it

3 years ago

Hi I already have my appen account and I receive emails every week when I enter my account each time I exceed display and qualification so I need help please help me start the work and thank you 🙏 in advance

3 years ago

je me suis inscrit plus d’une semaine mais je suis toujours au niveau zero. j’avais auparavant rempli les questionnaires mais plus de suite. Normalement le niveau c’est de remplir les questionnaires. Si malgré le fait que j’ai répondu à toutes ces questions et je suis toujours au niveau zéro, qu’il me montre de nouveau les questionnaires je vais remplir

Rasoharinirina andrea
Rasoharinirina andrea
3 years ago

bonjour j’arrive a m’inscrire, pouvez vous m’aider svp?

3 years ago

I have been registered since yesterday but I do not see any task available until then. how can I do?

3 years ago

Ciao, mi sono registrata The anno scorso ma non sapendo come fare ho lasciato così the account e ora che voglio rinunziare mi dice che L account è fuori dal sistema.come recupero ??

3 years ago

Bonjour, je me suis déjà inscrit sur appen et j’ai choisi d’analyser les résultats de moteurs de recherche afin d’en améliorer la pertinence mais j’ai de difficulté à LANCER LE TEST qui est la quatrième étape à franchir. J’aimerais bien avoir accès aux missions et pouvoir les accomplir

HONOU Akou Nina
HONOU Akou Nina
3 years ago

Bonjour j’ai déjà un compte Appen mais on me dis que je dois avoir trois bages avant de pouvoir travailler…. Où je ne sais plus trop. Maintenant est ce que le portable qu’on a joue un rôle dans l’application des tâches de Appen?
Aussi Sur Youtube vous verrez qu’on gagne jusqu’à 450€ c’est vraiment possible ? Merci

3 years ago

When you create your micro-enterprise, what activity do you choose?

Peculiar ejeano
Peculiar ejeano
2 years ago

Join Hi Dollars

2 years ago


Je suis inscrit depuis une semaine. je ne trouve que des projet en angalais analyste social media. rien en Français pour l’instant. et donc les projets ou j’ai fait la demande sont en attente d’examen. comment faire pour avoir des projets en français et sy mettre directement au travail.
My address : [email protected]

2 years ago

Bonjour, Je suis sur Appen ça fait déjà 11 mois, mais je n’ai jamais obtenue des bons projets payant, et à chaque fois lorsque je postule sur des offres Appen via LinkedIn ça me redirige vers mon compte, mais jamais je ne vois l’offre en question et pourtant il concerne mon pays. Je ne saisi pas ou se trouve le problème et cela me décourage.

2 years ago

Salve è da qualche mese che mi sono iscritta su Appen, mi sono qualificata per un progetto, ma mi chiedono una marea di clausole legali da leggere e firmare. E’ normale? Questo mi scoraggia

2 years ago
ciao, se non si possiede la partita iva non si può lavorare per Appen??
israel ricochet
israel ricochet
2 years ago

bonsoir je me suis connecter sur le lien que vous aviez donne dans le commentaire mais il y’a un probleme VPN

1 year ago

« Des missions bien rémunérées » ? !!! Appen affiche un taux de 16 dollars de l’heure, mais c’est pour certaines missions seulement et c’est tout à fait théorique. Cela suppose de traiter en 20 secondes des tâches qui demanderaient au minimum 1 ou 2 minutes (et on ne tarde pas à se retrouver bloqué en raison du taux de mauvaises réponses). Les tâches sur le système UHRS, en particulier, sont très mal payées: 7 centimes de dollars en moyenne, voire 3 ou 4 centimes parfois. J’ai passé plus de 2 heures à essayer différentes tâches (il n’y a pas beaucoup de... Read more »

Estefania Morales
Estefania Morales
1 year ago

I literally register here, I have a project that I can apply and then I can create a dedicated gmail cue... there is a link that has instructions in an image, but I don't load the image... and you can create it too. similar?

1 year ago

Hello Roman,
Je viens de faire une demande d’immatriculation de ma micro-entreprise, mais en renseignant le type d’activité, j’avais choisi « Services d’information ». On m’a informé que cette activité relève de la forme commerciale et doit donc être traitée par le greffe. Aujourd’hui, j’ai reçu un refus de leur part, m’indiquant que mon activité ne relève pas du secteur commercial. Maintenant, je ne sais pas quel type d’activité indiquer.

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