World Reading Keys (Terminal S) & #8211; Plug

Find the summary of the course on reading the world through geographic maps (terminal level S). In this file: the keys to reading the world and the definitions to know. Sheet to download and print on Bristol sheet.

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Reading keys


Territorial analysis (at different scales) of power relations or power rivalries between states and / or different spatial actors (movements, politicians, citizens, companies, armed guerrillas, etc ...).


Territorial analysis of the economic strategies of the States, the companies, the different actors of the world of the finance and the commerce in a globalized world, and the inequalities produced by the balance of power between these actors. Geoeconomics allows us to understand that power phenomena are no longer linked to mere military power.


Territorial analysis of cultural phenomena, their confrontation or interaction in space and their geographical distribution (languages, religions, gastronomy, heritage, landscape, sport, etc ...).


Territorial analysis of environmental phenomena (global warming, pollution, economic, social and health consequences on populations, etc.).


globalization : Process of linking the different territories of the world under the effect of the acceleration of exchanges. It results in a multiplication of flows of goods, people, capital and information on a global scale.

EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone): 200 nautical miles (about 370 km) wide space from the coastline, which grants the State bordier the sovereignty over the resources found there.

Sleeping conflict : refers to a conflict for which violence and clashes between different parties are irregular and discontinuous over time.

Market capitalization : market value of all the shares of a publicly traded company.

Sustainable development economic, social and environmental development that must meet the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Ecological footprint : indicates the number of hectares required for biological resources (wood, food, meat, etc.) to ensure the level of consumption of an individual.

HDI (human development index): indicator taking into account per capita GDP, literacy rate and life expectancy.

UNDP (United Nations Development Program): a leading development agency contributing to eradicating poverty and reducing inequality

IPH (human poverty index)

GDP (gross domestic product)

PPP (purchasing power parity)

NATO (organization of the North Atlantic Treaty): a politico-military organization that brings together many Western countries, whose aim is to ensure their common defense against external threats, as well as the stability of the European and North American continents.

Download the world reading keys sheet: PDF format A4 / PDF format A5

Sources: Nathan, Insee, Larousse, UNDP (UNDP), Wikipedia

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Picture of Romain Royer
Romain Royer
I'm very interested in technology, music, environmental issues, and various other subjects. By developing the Current Trends media, my goal is to share with you my knowledge, my discoveries and my tips on the various subjects that fascinate me. Leave me comments, they help me improve and are always appreciated.

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